info@must.edu.eg +202- 38247455 – 38247456 – 38247457 – 16878
info@must.edu.eg +202- 38247455 – 38247456 – 38247457 – 16878
Graduate Program


About College

Biotechnology is the science of the 21st Century to meet the global challenges in the fields of human healthcare, food security, industrial development, and environmental conservation.
Biotechnology is the application of Genetic engineering in medicine, pharmacy, agriculture, and the environment.

College Mission
College Vision

College Mission

The College of Biotechnology aims to prepare and train its graduates for the scientific life and develop their skills in the  applications of biotechnology in Medicine, Pharmacy, Environment and Agriculture. This is done through advanced educational programs and distinctive scientific and practical activities in education, research, community serving and environmental development


College Vision

At the college of biotechnology, Misr University for Science and Technology, we are seeking to be one of the leading institutions on the local, regional and international level in education, research and serving the community.


Degrees Offered

There are two Master Degree (M.Sc.) / Programmes in the College of Biotechnology:

  1.  Master Degree in Medical and Pharmacological Biotechnology.
  2.  Master Degree in Environmental and Agricultural Biotechnology.

Continue to enhance use of strategies that improve active learning, lifelong learning, and develop critical thinking. In addition to enhancing problem solving and psychomotor skills through the use of effective teaching strategies.

Develop approaches to help students integrate basic science and applied pharmaceutical sciences that underlay application of pharmacy practice.

Monitor the curriculum content to assure its relevance to practice.

Increase the use of innovative techniques by faculty to enhance student’s learning in the courses.

Continue to hire and retain the best qualified academics to teach the undergraduate and graduate curriculum.

Provide scholarships for research presentations by graduate students at scientific meetings.

Encourage common-use instrumentation based on needs identified by the college and individual departments.

Establish an integrated, multidisciplinary Research Center and Bioequivalence Service Center in the College of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Manufacturing.

Hold discussions with other institutions regarding collaborative research.

Encourage faculty members to utilize available resources to enhance teaching effectiveness.

Support faculty members who seek to introduce innovations in their course work.

Continue to distribute bulletins, memos, and schedule meetings to keep faculty abreast of needs and developments.

Schedule meetings as requested or needed for faculty administration to communicate with professional and graduate students.

Collaborate with other health professionals to provide high quality of pharmaceutical care services in institutional and community settings.

Procedures to enroll for postgraduate studies

Each department specifies the number of applicants enrolled & the obtained degree according to the following:

  1. Certificate of the Bachelor degree or its equivalent
  2. Final accumulated grades of the years of study
  3. Total score of the major course
  4. The oldest student applying

Enrollment & studying dates

Each student should apply within one month prior to the beginning of the study during Fall & Spring semesters. The academic year is divided as follows:

  1. The first semester starts in September for 15 weeks
  2. The second semester starts in February for 15 weeks
  3. The summer semester starts in July for eight weeks

System of study

The university follows the credit hours system. The holder of a bachelor’s degree in special education from Egyptian universities or an equivalent has the right to apply for a master’s degree in one of the specified majors.

  1. Once credit hour in one course is equivalent to 15 hours of study
  2. Internal regulations of each faculty specifies the required credit hours
  3. It takes one hour exam for each credit hour
  4. Exam results are divided into Oral, Written, & Practical

Documents submission required

  1. A file folder
  2. Bachelors certificate with overall GPA & grades obtained during years of study
  3. Birth certificate or official copy of it
  4. Six personal photos
  5. Approval of the specified department
  6. Submitting all required documents to the postgraduate administration
  7. Payment of tuition fees in the due time specified by the postgraduate administration
  8. Foreign students should submit a letter from  their Embassy including an approval for enrollment in postgraduate studies & clarifying financial status
  9. Foreigners should submit a health certificate from Ministry of health

Biotechnology is the science of the 21st Century to meet the global challenges in the fields of human healthcare, food security, industrial development, and environmental conservation.
Biotechnology is the application of Genetic engineering in medicine, pharmacy, agriculture, and the environment.